cab·bage noun - a vegetable with thick green or purple leaves
ˈkabij/ - an informal term for money
film cab·bage
noun - the most progressive source of Money for the Film Industry.
FilmCabbage is part of FundingNet, a privately owned and operated wealth lending program operating since 2005. Since that time we have funded many billions of dollars in loans to select partners across various industries, including Real Estate Development, Technology, Infrastructure, Hotel and Resort Development, and a wide array of other business initiatives.
"FilmCabbage" is our entertainment financing division, developed to provide film professionals an attainable, affordable funding options for their projects. We accomplish this by lending you our own private capital, or by underwriting your project in full with our assets, and by fully mitigating risk for all parties.
Our acceptance rate for projects is generally higher than that of most conventional lenders or venture capitalists. Through our primary program (please see the "4-1 Lending Program" page) this is because our loan to you is a factor of the funds that you've already raised; as long as you have raised the minimum required funds we can provide a credit facility for your project for multiples (usually 4X) that amount.
Under our secondary programs we work together with your bank to fund your project, completely underwriting the banks risk with our assets, to ensure you receive the funds you need.
We are also introducing for 2022 a "non-recourse/non-repay" option, by invitation only, where we take a "venture capital" position in the project. When you apply for a loan, if it is a project we believe will be highly profitable, we will offer the filmmmaker an option to receive their financing but never be charged interest, and never have a requirement to repay principal. We will negotiate our equity position in the project in those cases, rather than have the filmmaker repay the loan.
Please visit the secondary pages of this website for more information.
To Support the Production of Films, by Providing Access to High Level Financing to Filmmakers
FilmCabbage is part of FundingNet, a privately owned and operated wealth lending program operating since 2005. Since that time we have funded many billions of dollars in loans to select partners across various industries, including Real Estate Development, Technology, Infrastructure, Hotel and Resort Development, and a wide array of other business initiatives.
"FilmCabbage" is our entertainment financing division, developed to provide film professionals an attainable, affordable funding options for their projects. We accomplish this by lending you our own private capital, or by underwriting your project in full with our assets, and by fully mitigating risk for all parties.
Our acceptance rate for projects is generally higher than that of most conventional lenders or venture capitalists. Through our primary program (please see the "Multiples Program" page) this is because our loan to you is a factor of the funds that you've already raised; as long as you have raised the minimum required funds we can provide a credit facility for your project for multiples (usually 3X or 4X) that amount.
Under our secondary programs we work together with your bank to fund your project, completely underwriting the banks risk with our assets, to ensure you receive the funds you need.
Please visit the secondary pages of this website for more information.
"FilmCabbage" simply makes sense.